Hasselback Squash with crumbly feta & pomegranate molasses


1 butternut squash

3 tbspn Odysea Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 tbspn Odysea pomegranate molasses

1 pack of Feta Cheese

5-6 sprigs of thyme

Sea salt

pomegranate seeds


    1. Preheat your oven at 180°C (fan assisted).
    2. Halve the butternut squash lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and peel.
    3. Mix the olive oil and pomegranate molasses, rub the squash with 1/3 of the mixture and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. This quick bake will soften the squash and you will be able to cut it.
    4. Use a paring knife and make cuts ¼ inch apart, add a bit more of the olive oil & pomegranate mixture, the fresh thyme, a bit of salt and return to the oven.
    5. Baking will take approximately 45-50 minutes, please check for liquids and add a little olive oil if required.